Customers may revoke their declaration to engage in a contract in text form (e.g. letter, fax or e-mail) or return the goods inside of two weeks without specifying the reasons for doing so. The restricted period of 14 days commences the moment this information has been communicated in text form, yet not before the day of receipt of the consignment of goods by the Customer and also not before fulfilment of the entrepreneurial obligations to disclose information according to Section 312 c (2) BGB [German Civil Code] in connection with Section 1 (1, 2 and 4) BGB-InfoV as well as the entrepreneurial duties according to Section 312 e (1, clause 1) BGB [German Civil Code] in connection with Section 3 BGB-InfoV. In calculating the said period of time, the day on which the directions concerning rights of revocation were notified in text form and the day the Customer receives the delivery of goods and the day of fulfilling the duties to inform do not count. The period of time within which the Agreement may be revoked is considered adequately complied with if the revocation or the goods themselves are despatched on time.
The notice of revocation is to be addressed to:
Danijela Brdar Paul-Heyse-Str.25 80336 München Germany E-Mail: contact@dannydeluxe.com
In the event the revocation is effective, the reciprocally received services will be returned and where necessary any benefits derived (e.g. interest) handed over. Should the Customers be unable in whole or in part to return the service received or only in a deteriorated state, the Customers will provide compensation. Furthermore, the duty to provide compensation for the event the Customers are unable in whole or in part to return the service received or only in a deteriorated state, will not apply to sold items if said deterioration of the item is solely attributable to its examination, as might occur, for example, at a retail outlet. The consumers may moreover avoid such liability of indemnication if they refrain from using the goods as if they owned them and further refrain from any action that would diminish the value of the goods. Items that can be despatched by parcel will be returned at the risk of DANNY DELUXE, items that cannot be sent by parcel will be collected from the Customers. The Customers will pay the costs of the return consignment if the goods delivered were those ordered and if the price of the item to be returned does not exceed an amount of EUR 40.00 or, with a more expensive item, if the Customers have not yet provided a counterservice or a contractually agreed part-payment at the time the Agreement is revoked. Otherwise the return despatch will be free of charge for the Customers. Obligations to the refund of payments must be met within 30 days, with regard to the refund obligation of DANNY DELUXE the period starts with receipt of the notice of revocation or in the case of return with receipt of the items.
The right of revocation as defined in Section 312 d (4, no. 1) BGB [German Civil Code] is not given with agreements governing a delivery of goods, which were manufactured according to customer specification or to satisfy specific personal requirements or the nature of which does not allow for their return or which can spoil quickly or where the expiry date has already lapsed, the right of revocation as defined in Section 312 d (4, no. 2) BGB [German Civil Code] is not given with agreements governing a delivery of audio or video recordings or of software, when the seal of the data medium has been broken by the Customer, the right of revocation as defined in Section 312 d (4, no. 3) BGB [German Civil Code] is not given with agreements governing a delivery of newspapers, journals and illustrated magazines, unless the Customer has given the contract statement by telephone.
End of Right of Revocation
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